Love Story - She interpreted his love Published on April 15, 2012 Kansas City Star Magazine By DEBORAH SHOUSE/The Kansas City Star A wonderful woman is translating for us and helping us in the classes,” Gary Huff’s tai chi student...
Many of you may be discovering Tai Chi Chuan for the first time and would like to know more about what is actually taught and practised in Tai Chi classes. It is my hope that after reading the following article you will be able to make a more informed...
太极拳属于内家拳,故此,它在训练拳架外形姿态(盘架子)的同时,更加重视拳架内在的气血盛衰状态,以达到“内外双修”的目的。故此,《十三势行功歌诀》中说“若言体用何为准,意气君来骨肉臣,详推用意终何在?益寿延年不老春。”这充分阐明了其内家拳的实质特征。 腹式呼吸是太极...
The Chinese characters for Tai Chi Chuan can be translated as the 'Supreme Ultimate Force'. The notion of 'supreme ultimate' is often associated with the Chinese concept of yin-yang, the notion that one can see a dynamic duality (male/female, active/passive, dark/light, forceful/yiel...
十岁时, 太极拳不会因为你年纪少, 就不接纳你。 相反,年纪到了这个整数, 就该多接触自己老祖宗的传统了。 开始习练太极, 不仅对于促进青少年的生长发育, 增强其体魄,优化其形体, 还能够养成正确的姿势和气质。 进而平衡身心, ...
What is Tai Chi Tai Chi is best known as the form of exercise that has been popularized by images of old Chinese people practicing graceful flowing movements in the park. These movements, now practiced by old and young alike throughout the world, are an importan...
太极拳的柔软,是指的周身均匀,怎样学太极拳配合一致合度。在生理上、在健康上、在技击上所需要的太极拳柔软,而不是脚翘得特别高,腰折得特别弯,这样失掉了灵感性,不合生理的局部的特殊的柔软。因为这些不合生理的柔软,只是好看而已,但在技击和健身方面,都没有什么好处的。 在...
陈正雷带领嘉宾游览太极拳博物馆 大师率众弟子祭拜太极先祖 陈正雷致开幕词 陈正雷和领导嘉宾共同按下启动球,第三届陈正雷太极年会正式开幕 团体赛精彩的太极拳表演 10月1日上午,太极文化发源地——河南温县陈家沟热闹非凡,“第三届陈...