Love Story - She interpreted his love

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Love Story - She interpreted his love 
Published on April 15, 2012 Kansas City Star Magazine 
By DEBORAH SHOUSE/The Kansas City Star

   A wonderful woman is translating for us and helping us in the classes,” Gary Huff’s tai chi students told him. “You have to meet her.”     
   It was August 2006 and 45-year-old Gary had brought students from his Overland Park tai chi classes to a 10-day workshop in China. While Gary studied in the advanced courses, his students worked in the beginners’ sessions.  
   Toward the end of the workshop, Gary finally met the translator, Kejia Liu, She had been studying tai chi for three years.  
   “I was nervous to meet Gary,” she says, “since he was so knowledgeable in tai chi.”  
    He thanked her for her help, and they exchanged business cards.  
    When Gary returned home, he emailed the people he’d met, including Kejia. She wrote back, and they began an email conversation that started with tai chi and broadened into a variety of interesting personal topics. Kejia was divorced with no children. Gary was getting divorced and had a young son he’d adopted from China. During the eight months Gary and Kejia corresponded, they became good friends and began falling in love. 
    “I felt a real connection with Kejia, and I admired her positive outlook on life,” Gary says.  
    “I’ve met people from all over the world, and I found Gary very impressive,” Kejia says. “I liked his energy and his interest in Chinese culture.”  
    In May 2007, Gary flew to Shanghai and spent two weeks with Kejia. During that visit, their connection deepened. Months later, Kejia visited Gary, and they began making plans to be together.  
    “I was happy with my life in China,” Kejia says. “I had a nice apartment, good friends and a great job as an international marketing consultant. But Gary was special; I wanted to see if this relationship could be developed.”  
    She moved to the States and began her new life with Gary, easily adapting to American culture. She and Gary were married in August 2010, and today they live in Kansas City. Gary is a professional tai chi and martial arts teacher. Kejia also teaches tai chi and Chinese language and culture.  
    They enjoy watching movies, taking drives and spending time with Gary’s son, who lives with them part time. Both are independent and treasure their alone moments as well as their time together.  
    “Gary and I share the same values,” Kejia says. “That is so important to me.”  
    “Kejia is curious and really enjoys life,” Gary says. “I love that about her.”

