配音: 国语/英语
字幕: 中文(简体/繁体) 英文
详细内容: 主讲、演示:陈正雷,陈氏十九世,太极拳第十一代传人,中国十大武术名师之一。 陈氏太极推手,就是两人搭手,相缠绕,根据太极拳沾粘连随,松活弹抖,不丢不顶,圆转自如,避实就虚、持巧不持力原则,将抓、拿、摔、踢、打等基本方法融为一炉,运用捋、挤、按、采、列、肘、靠八种方法和劲别,以练习全身皮肤触觉和体内感觉的灵敏性。以达到人不知我,我独知人,意在人先,乘势借力,克服制胜为目的一种练习高超技击技能的方法。 第一部分:基本方法 第二部分:基本技巧 第三部分:五种推手方法 第四部分:陈氏太极拳老架套路演示 Push hand is a kind of Wushu exercise in which two partners twine each other's hands to train their tactile and quickness in response. While practicing, the exerciser should comply with some basic Taiji principles such as sticking to each other without being separated, moving freely and flexibly, neither separating nor making forcible contact, rotating the body smoothly, making good use of the skill rather than only the force and staying clear of the opponent main force and striking at his weak points. Combining the basic techniques of grasp, catch, kick, jackknife and punch, the exercisers practice warding off, deflecting, pushing, pressing trampling, throwing, elbowing and leaning to obtain a sensitivity of knowing the enemy intention in advance and making quick decision of how and where to attack or defend. Part1: Basic Methods Part2: Basic Techniques Part3: Five Push hand Methods Part4: Demonstration of Chen style Taiji Quan Old Fram
·包装高:1.40 厘米
·包装长度:19.00 厘米
·包装重:99.79 克
·包装宽度:14.00 厘米